Anime you can watch in a single day.

If you are looking for some anime shows which you can watch completely in one day,

then you must try out the following mentioned anime.


The story focuses on the special abilities that appear in a small percentage of boys and girls during puberty. Yuu Otosaka uses her power without the others knowing and lives a pretty standard average school life. A girl suddenly appears in front of him, Nao Tomori. Due to your meeting with her, the fate of the special power users will be revealed.

2.The promised neverland

Grace Field House is surrounded by woodland and has a gated entrance. It is inhabited by orphans who live happily together as one big family and are cared for by their "mama", Isabella. Although they have to take tests every day, the children are free to spend their time as they see fit, usually they play outside as long as they don't stray too far from the orphanage, a rule they should definitely abide by . All good times must come to an end, however, as every few months a child is adopted and sent to his new family...never heard from again. However, the three older brothers have their suspicions as to what is really going on at the orphanage and they are about to discover the cruel fate that awaits the children who live at Grace Field, including the twisted nature of their dear mother

3.Death note.

Yagami Light is a 17-year-old Japanese genius who is fed up with his life, his school and the state of the world as he knows it. One day, on the way home from class, Light comes across a notebook with "Death Note" written on the front. Fascinated by his appearance, Light reads the first few sentences, only to find that it says anyone whose name is written in it will die. Light dismisses it as a joke and continues with his journal activities. Shortly thereafter his human curiosity takes the better of him and asks Light to test the notebook to discover the truth behind the first sentence. Now with power in his hands, Yagami Light is on a quest to change the world and become God of the New World. His path to the holy state will not be easy, however, as another genius known as L is working against Light and Light's beliefs. Who will win this power of the gods among men?

4. Future diary

Based on the manga written and illustrated by Sakae Esuno, this psychological thriller follows Yuki, a loner who is not very good with people. His favorite things to do are journaling on his cell phone and talking to his imaginary friend Deus Ex. Machina: The god of time and space. However, Yuki soon discovers that Deus is more than just a pipe dream when he lets Yuki participate in a battle royale with eleven others. Participants receive special diaries that can predict the future. Each Journal has unique traits that give it both advantages and disadvantages. For the next 90 days, contestants must try to survive until only one remains. The winner becomes the new god of time and space.

Try them now.

Anime shows mentioned in this list will save you from regretting that decision of watching a bad anime show, because every anime show mentioned in this list has a very unique story line and these anime shows have the capability to hold you till the very end as there will always be an interest factor that what will happen next in the story? followed by there short episodes density in a season and these factors makes the anime shows more interesting to watch and can be completed easily in a single day.


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